Saint Jude

Daily prayer
to St. Jude

O kindSaint-Jude, our faithful intercessor to Jesus, receive the following special intentions : to present them to the Almighty Lord, Root of all good. Above all, grant us an increase of our faith in His love. May each day find us closer in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. KindSaint-Jude, you who has revived hope in our hearts, you whose model merits and life bring us the divine blessings and graces, be our advocate, and lead us to Jesus and Mary. With you, blessed apostle, we give thanks and praise God with all our heart for His innumerable kindnesses. Amen.

The Monthly Note

March 2018

The Lenten novena is a time of prayer for your intentions.
Mrs. Gisèle Hébert and Mr. Tony Cicci read all your letters and they answer you. From March 1st through 9th, twice a day, I celebrate Mass for your intentions and the Praying Team of St. Jude pray for your intentions at each Mass.

Allow me to share with you this prayer, of which we do not know the author:

I put everything into your hands

I put everything into your hands:
What overwhelms me and what hurts me,
What bothers me and what annoys me,
And the worry of the next day.
I put everything into your hands.

I put everything into your hands:
The heavy burden dragged a long time ago,
What I cry for, what I hope,
And the reason of my destiny.
I put everything into your hands.
I put everything into your hands:
What overwhelms me and what hurts me,
What bothers me and what annoys me,
And the worry of the next day.
I put everything into your hands.

I put everything into your hands:
The heavy burden dragged a long time ago,
What I cry for, what I hope,
And the reason of my destiny.
I put everything into your hands.s.

Dominicans and the Praying Team of St. Jude, we continue to pray for you and for all those who entrust us with their intentions. We do it fraternally at the 2:30 pm Mass, every Thursday of St. Jude up to the next solemn novena of St. Jude, in October. Be confident, there is hope!

Fr. Henri de Longchamp, o.p., Director